#!/bin/bash host='' database='cacti' user='root' outpath='/tmp/cacti' read -s -p"$user DB password: " password echo tables=`mysql -u$user -p$password $database -h$host -N -B -e "show tables"` if [ -z $tables ] ; then echo "Cannot fetch DB tables" exit 1 fi #create output dir and change permission if needed [ -d $outpath ] || mkdir $outpath [ $(stat --printf='%a' $outpath) -ge 777 ] || chmod a+w $outpath IFS=' ' success=true for table in $tables ; do mysql -u$user -p$password -h$host $database -N -B -e "select * from $table into outfile '$outpath/$table.csv' fields terminated by ';' enclosed by '\"'" || success=false done if $success ; then echo "All tables of $database database have been successfuly dumped to csv files in $outpath" else echo "Errors encoutered while dumping $database database tables to $outpath" fi