post_install() {
    echo ""
    echo "==> Installed in : /usr/share/webapps/wallabag"
    echo ""
    echo "==> Config is at /etc/webapps/wallabag/config/parameters.yml"
    echo ""
    echo -n "Change the configuration to fit to your current setup, and then "
    echo "init wallabag by launching:"
    echo "php /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/bin/console wallabag:install --env=prod"
    echo ""
    echo -n "To setup your webserver and enable the needed php extensions, "
    echo "please read:"
    echo ""
    echo -n "If you upgraded from 2.0.x or 2.1.x, you might need to check "
    echo "the upgrade guide:"

pre_upgrade() {
    # save old untracked config and make it tracked
    if [[ -f /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/app/config/parameters.yml && \
          ! -h /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/app/config/parameters.yml ]];
        then install -Dm644 \
            /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/app/config/parameters.yml \
            -t /etc/webapps/wallabag/
    # also move `data` and `var` to /var/lib/wallabag/
    if [[ -d /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/data && \
          ! -h /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/data && \
           -d /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/var && \
          ! -h /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/var ]]; then
        install -d /var/lib/wallabag/
        chown http:http /var/lib/wallabag/
        mv /usr/share/webapps/wallabag/{data,var} /var/lib/wallabag/

post_upgrade() {
    rm -rf /var/lib/wallabag/var/cache/*
    echo ""
    echo "====================================================================================="
    echo "               If you upgraded from 2.2.3 to 2.3.X you need to do database           "
    echo "                          migrations, check the guide:                               "
    echo ""
    echo "====================================================================================="
    echo ""