#!/bin/bash # Use this script to run one-off commands inside a container of a pod # (where your application code lives in) # # Examples: # ./run-in-container.sh web date # ./run-in-container.sh database env # ./run-in-container.sh web ./manage.py migrate # ./run-in-container.sh web ./manage.py createsuperuser # ./run-in-container.sh web tail -f access.log # POD_INDEX=1 ./run-in-container.sh web tail -f access.log POD_NAME="$1" if [[ -z "$POD_NAME" ]]; then echo "missing pod name" exit 1 fi shift quoted_args="$(printf " %q" "${@:-echo}")" osc exec -p $(osc get pods -l "name=$POD_NAME" -t "{{ with index .items ${POD_INDEX:-0} }}{{ .metadata.name }}{{ end }}") -it -- bash -c "cd \$HOME && scl enable python33 \"$quoted_args\""