# Openshift Django quickstart This project is meant to be forked and used to quickly deploy a Django web application to an [OpenShift](https://github.com/openshift/origin) cluster. It assumes you have access to an existing OpenShift installation. You can use this as a starting point to build your own application. ## Getting started 1. (optional) Create and activate a [virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/) (you may want to use [virtualenvwrapper](http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/)). 2. Fork this repo and clone your fork: `git clone https://github.com/rhcarvalho/openshift-django-quickstart.git` 3. Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt` 4. Create a development database: `./manage.py migrate` 4. If everything is alright, you should be able to start the Django development server: `./manage.py runserver` 5. Open your browser and go to, you will be greeted with a welcome page. ## What has been done for you This is a minimal Django 1.8 project. It was created with these steps: 1. Create a virtualenv 2. Manually install requirements 3. `pip freeze > requirements.txt` 4. `django-admin startproject PROJECT_NAME .` 3. Manually update `project/settings.py` to configure `SECRET_KEY`, `DATABASE` and `STATIC_ROOT` entries. 4. `./manage.py startapp openshift`, to create the welcome page's app ## Deploying to OpenShift The file `application-template.json` contains an OpenShift application template that you can add you your OpenShift project with: * `osc create -f application-template.json` Now you can browse to your OpenShift web console and create a new app from the 'django-quickstart' template. After adjusting your preferences (or accepting the defaults), your application will be built and deployed. You will probably want to set the `GIT_REPOSITORY` parameter to point to your fork.