
851 lines
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2023-03-02 10:51:15 +01:00
## 11
* `aur-build`
+ add `aur-build--sync` helper for local repository upgrades
- `pacman -Syu --config` is replaced by `pacsync <repo>` and `pacman -S <repo>/<pkg>`
- local repository upgrades are now unaffected by `--pacman-conf`
+ add `exist:` to `--results` output
- remove `--dry-run`
+ fallback to `/etc/aurutils/pacman-<machine>.conf` if `pacman-<database>.conf` does not exist
+ rename `MAKEPKG` environment variable to `AUR_MAKEPKG`
+ replace experimental `AUR_ASROOT` functionality (#1023)
- add `examples/sync-asroot`
- add `--user` to `aur-build--pkglist`
- add `AUR_GPG`, `AUR_REPO_ADD`, `AUR_MAKEPKG` environment variables
* `aur-chroot`
+ remove `--packagelist` (deprecated in v8)
+ run `sudo --preserve-env` when `AUR_PACMAN_AUTH` is empty or `sudo`
* `aur-depends`
+ perl rewrite
+ add `--json`, `--reverse`
+ take provides on the command-line into account (#837)
- add `--no-provides`
+ default output changed to `--graph --pkgbase`
- ordered output with `aur-depends --reverse | tsort`
* `aur-fetch`
+ add `aur-fetch--mirror` helper for `aur.git` mirrors
- defaults to ``
- enable with `AUR_FETCH_USE_MIRROR=1`
+ run flock(1) when modifying existing repositories
+ run git-checkout(1) when using `--sync=rebase` with `--discard` (#1006)
* `aur-graph`
+ selectively disable/enable depends with `aur graph -v <TYPE>=[0|1]`
- forwarded by `aur-sync` (`--optdepends`, `--no-check`)
* `aur-repo`
+ add `--json`, `--jsonl`
* `aur-query`
+ perl rewrite
+ remove support for parallel (`AUR_QUERY_PARALLEL`) and `GET` requests
+ set operations (union, intersection) are moved to `aur-search`
- remove `--any`, `--exit-if-empty`
- `--raw` is noop
+ remove `--dump-curl-config`
- print command-lines with `AUR_DEBUG=1`
+ `-t` / `--type` is now a required parameter
* `aur-search`
+ perl rewrite
+ add `--reverse`
- `-r` is now an alias to `--reverse`
+ add `--submitter`, `--provides`, `--conflicts`, `--replaces`,
`--keywords`, `--comaintainers`
+ exit 4 on AUR response errors such as `query too small` (was: exit 2)
* `aur-sync`
+ add diagnostic for missing packages with `--continue`
+ save `` files in `XDG_STATE_HOME/aurutils/sync`
+ add `--columns`
* `aur-view`
+ add `--exclude`, `--prefix`
* `aur-format`
+ new helper
* `aur-repo-parse`
+ new helper
* `completion`
+ support extending `zsh` completion for third party commands (#1016)
* `examples`
+ add `view-delta` (requires: `bat`, `git-delta`)
+ add `sync-asroot`
2022-07-10 14:44:52 +02:00
## 10
* `aur`
+ support environment files (`$AUR_ENV`, defaults to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/aurutils/env`)
+ add `--env`
* `aur-build`
+ use `AUR_PACMAN_AUTH` as elevation command (prior: `PACMAN_AUTH`)
+ use `$PWD` as default value for `$LOGDEST`
+ bug fixes for gpg signing (`--sign`)
* `aur-chroot`
+ use `AUR_PACMAN_AUTH` as elevation command (prior: `PACMAN_AUTH`)
* `aur-fetch`
+ `--sync=auto`: run `git-merge` instead of `git-reset`
- add `--ff`, `--ff-only`, `--no-ff`, `--no-commit` options
- fix a bug where setting `aurutils.rebase` affected unrelated targets
- set default author for merge commits to `aurutils@localhost`
+ `--sync=auto` now preserves local changes by default
- `--discard` (`-f`) resets the branch on new upstream commits
+ add `--reset`, `--rebase`, `--auto` (`--sync=reset`, `--sync=rebase`, `--sync=auto`)
+ support multiple branches, with commits merged from `origin/master`
* `aur-pkglist`
+ output is now independent of command-line argument order
+ deprecate `-I`, `-S`, `-u`
- renamed to: `-i` (`--info`), `-s` (`--search`) `-q` (`--quiet`)
+ deprecate `-J` (`--json`)
- behaves like `--plain`, remove pretty-printing with `jq`
+ add `--systime`
* `aur-repo`
+ `-q` now applies to `--list` and `--upgrades`
+ add `--list-attr`
+ deprecate `--status-file`
* `aur-search`
+ add `--color` (`auto`, `always`, `none`)
* `aur-srcver`
+ remove `-E`, `--env` (deprecated in v8)
* `aur-sync`
+ use pkgspec `<REPOSITORY>/<PACKAGE>` format for `--ignore-file`
- support for sections (introduced with v6.3) is removed (#880)
- <PACKAGE> ignores apply to all local repositories
+ add `--rebase`, `--reset` options for `aur-fetch`
+ exit 22 on dependency cycles (v7 regression)
+ filter dependency graph by pkgname, not depends (v7 regression)
+ store `` files in `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/aurutils`
* `completions`
+ major overhaul of zsh completions (#990)
2022-04-14 20:35:29 +02:00
## 9.6
* `aur-pkglist`
+ add `AUR_METADEST` (directory where metadata archives are stored)
+ add `--quiet`
* `aur-fetch`
+ write `git-merge` to `results_file` if the command is run
2022-04-08 15:50:27 +02:00
## 9.5
* `aur-build`
+ add `--results-append`
+ write results file as build user
* `aur-query`
+ support `--type=suggest`
2022-04-06 20:24:02 +02:00
## 9.4
* `aur-build`
+ revert "retrieve local repository before setting --chroot paths"
## 9.3
* `examples`
+ rework `sync-list`
2022-04-05 15:32:42 +02:00
## 9.2
* `aur-build`
+ deprecate `--results`
2022-04-06 20:24:02 +02:00
+ retrieve local repository before setting `--chroot` paths
2022-04-05 15:32:42 +02:00
+ unset `PKGEXT` when using `--chroot`
* `aur-search`
+ use OSC8 terminal hyperlinks (#849)
## 9.1
`aur-build` now uses `setpriv(1)` to run unprivileged commands (`makepkg`, `gpg`,
`repo-add`) when `AUR_ASROOT` is combined with `--user`. This change has no
effect when running `aur-build` as a regular user.
$ sudo env AUR_ASROOT=1 aur build --chroot --user <build_user> ...
The above works with `--chroot` (`makechrootpkg -U`). Environment variables in
the root environment are preserved for user commands, similar to `runuser -c`.
Host builds using `makepkg --syncdeps` to install dependencies require further
│ │
│ Running `aur-build` as root is experimental and disabled by default. If your │
│ install breaks, you get to keep both pieces. │
2022-03-29 17:35:00 +02:00
## 9
* `examples`
+ add `chroot-batch`
* `lib`
+ add `aur-build--pkglist`
* `aur-build`
+ add `--dry-run`
+ redirect `makepkg -od` output (`--pkgver`) to stderr
+ sign existing packages (#967)
* `aur-fetch`
+ add `--no-pager` to the `git log` command (#969)
+ `--existing`: clone instead of skip targets if they exist
* `aur-sync`
+ redirect `aur-fetch` output to stderr (#974)
2022-03-13 16:20:25 +01:00
## 8.3
* `aur-fetch`
+ add `--revision`
+ add `--no-patch`
* `aur-repo`
+ add `--field`
* `examples`
+ add `vercmp-devel`, `sync-list`
+ rename `aur-sync-devel` to `sync-devel`
## 8.2
* `aur-srcver`
+ add separator before first failed package
* `aur-fetch`
+ handle empty `git` repositories (#959)
* `man7`
+ remove `aurvcs.7`, move `aur-sync-devel` to `examples`
2022-03-09 13:53:25 +01:00
## 8.1
* `aur-srcver`
+ fix directory to source the build script from (#958)
2022-03-07 10:36:34 +01:00
## 8
* `aur-chroot`
The `aur-chroot` command-line was changed so that `--create`, `--build` and
`--update` can be used in a single command. Command-line arguments are now
exclusively used for packages passed to `mkarchroot` and `arch-nspawn`.
To set `makechrootpkg` options, the new `--margs` and `--cargs` options are
available. As `aur-build --margs`, these take a comma-delimited string and
can be specified multiple times. (Issues: #950, #807)
The `--packagelist` command is now deprecated. The container path can be
retrieved with the `--path` option, e.g for use with `makepkg --config`.
* `aur-build`
+ Consider all repositories (`Usage = Install`) for local repository upgrade (#956)
* `aur-srcver`
+ add `--buildscript`
+ deprecate `-E` / `--env`
- `get_full_version` from `libmakepkg` is now used after running `makepkg`
+ take arguments from `stdin` if `-` is specified
* `aurvcs.7`
+ run `aur-fetch` and `aur-view` before `aur-srcver`
+ sample code remaned to `aur-sync-devel`
## 7.2
* `aur-search`
+ add `OptDepends` to `--info` output (#945)
+ handle empty keywords in `--info` output (#946)
* `aur-depends`
+ add `--optdepends` (#945)
* `aur-sync`
+ add `--optdepends` (#945)
2022-02-27 16:39:41 +01:00
## 7.1
* `aur-build`
+ pass --nocheck to chroot (#942)
* `aur-sync`
+ avoid off-by-one in ninja build summary (#940)
* `aur-query`
+ do not abort if `-t` is unspecified (#938)
2022-02-24 12:50:14 +01:00
## 7
This release adds optional support for the `ninja` build system. If the
`AUR_SYNC_USE_NINJA` environment variable is set to a positive value,
`aur-sync` will generate `` where each target has an `aur-build`
command-line. This allows to continue building a series of packages when
several failed, with the maximum of failed targets controlled by the `-k` /
`--keep-going` option. On failure, a summary of successful ("OK") and failed
("FAIL") package builds is printed. The `--no-build` option in turn only
generates ``, and prints the corresponding directory to `stdout`.
The logic to generate `` files is exposed in the `aur-sync--ninja`
script. It can be used with other `aur` programs that output `pkgbase
depends_pkgbase` pairs, for example:
$ aur depends --graph "$@" | aur sync--ninja "$PWD" -- aur build
When running `ninja` on the resulting file, each successfully built `pkgbase`
will result in a `pkgbase.stamp` file. If the corresponding `PKGBUILD` is
modified, it will be marked for rebuilding by `ninja`. This can for example be
used for a git repository which hosts multiple `PKGBUILD` directories.
2022-02-20 23:32:49 +01:00
## 6.4
* `aur-depends`
- add `--graph`
- checkdepends are now removed during dependency resolution, not afterwards (#882)
2022-02-19 20:16:56 +01:00
## 6.3
* `aur-sync`
- `--ignore-file` now supports per-repository sections (INI-style)
- do not ignore targets when specified on the command-line
2022-02-18 11:24:02 +01:00
## 6.2
* `aur-pkglist`
- add `-v` / `--verify` (verifies published sha256sums)
* `aur-repo-filter`
- add repository to dependency messages ("dependency foo satisfied by repo/bar")
- deduplicate results on stdout
## 6.1
* `aur-search`
- do not print additional messages on errors or no results
* `aur-query`
- add `-a` alias for `--any`
- add missing newline in case of errors (`jq -r`)
2022-02-16 12:49:23 +01:00
## 6
In previous versions, `aur search` would display an intersection of search
results, the symmetric difference with `-a` (bug), and the concatenation with
`-r`. (#918)
`aur search -a` now correctly returns the union, and the `-r` output is
processed with jq(1) to return the intersection by default, or the union (with
duplicates removed) with `-a`. This processing is done because the RPC
interface as of aurweb 6.0.11 does not expose set operations, and so
`aur-search` performs one search for each argument. `aur search --json` was
added as an alias to `--raw`, and the latter option is now deprecated.
The implementation is done in `aur-query`, which now takes the intersection of
search results by default. The union can be taken with `aur query --any`, or
unprocessed results shown with `-r` or `--raw`. In each case, the output is
newline delimited (JSON Lines, `jq -r`). If the search completed without
results, `aur-query` will either exit with status 0 (if no request resulted in
an error), 1 (if the `-e` option was specified), or 2 (if at least one request
resulted in an error).
`AUR_QUERY_RPC_SPLITNO_POST` received bug fixes (#920), and the default has
been reduced to 500 after experiencing issues with a larger number of
arguments. Users looking to use `aur-query -t info` with a very large number
of arguments should instead consider `aur pkglist --info`.
`AUR_QUERY_RPC_PARALLEL` also received several bugfixes.
2022-02-13 14:56:51 +01:00
## 5
* `aur-srcver`
+ add `-E` / `--env` (#898)
* `aur-query`
+ support HTTP POST for info-type requests
+ use `aurutils` user agent (`curl -A`)
* `aur-pkglist`
+ use `aurutils` user agent (`curl -A`)
* `aur-repo-filter`
+ add `--config` to set pacman configuration
## 4.4
* `aur-sync`
+ fix regressions with `--ignore` from 4.3 release
## 4.3
* `aur-build`
+ wordsplit MAKEPKG and PACMAN_AUTH
* `aur-sync`
+ improve error handling
2022-01-17 16:03:26 +01:00
## 4.2
* `aur-build`
+ support PACMAN_AUTH environment variable for custom elevation command
* `aur-repo`
+ improve error handling
+ remove extraneous `--` on `--path` output
## 4.1
* `aur-build`
+ handle absolute paths in `--arg-file`
* `aur-pkglist`
+ add `--users` (`-U`) to retrieve a list of AUR users
+ update aur-pkglist(1) man page
* `aur-repo`
+ fix formatting for `--table` and packages with no dependencies
## 4
* `aur-build`
+ add `--no-check` (`makepkg --nocheck`)
* `aur-search`
+ add `--table`
* `aur-fetch`
+ add compatibility options (`--recurse`)
* `aur-repo`
+ add compatibility options (`--path`, `--path-list`, `--repo-list`)
+ fix regression with `AUR_QUERY_PARALLEL`
* `aur-sync`
+ add `--no-check` (short for `--no-checkdepends`)
- implies `aur-build --no-check`
+ apply `--ignore` to local repository targets
+ `--ignore-file` now works with process substitution (#880)
+ remove `--no-depends`, `--no-makedepends`
## 3.3.0
`aur-query` and `aur-fetch` now take arguments from the command-line
by default. If `-` or `/dev/stdin` is the first (and only) arguments,
they are taken from `stdin` instead. In particular, `aur fetch --recurse`
is now written as `aur depends --pkgbase ... | aur fetch -`, and the
explicit `--recurse` option was removed.
The `-` argument propagates to `aur-depends` and `aur-search`
transparently. Additionally, `aur-sync` no longer calls `aur-depends`
and `aur-fetch` with `xargs`, avoiding the 123 exit code on failure of
these commands.
2021-12-06 16:08:12 +01:00
## 3.2.1
* `aur-query`
+ support AUR_LOCATION
+ preserve `curl --parallel` exit codes (requires curl >=7.77.0)
+ complete aur-query(1) man page
* `aur-pkglist`
+ support multiinfo and search dumps (`--info`, `--search`)
+ support HTTP Last-Modified
* `aur-fetch`
+ add `--existing`
* `aur-view`
+ new script that includes the package inspection logic from `aur-sync`
2021-12-01 13:26:37 +01:00
## 3.2.0
* `aur-build`
+ retrieve database extension from `AUR_DBEXT` (defaults to .db) (#700)
+ resolve path argument to `--results`
+ use `aur repo --status` for repository selection
- allows specifying `--root` without `--database`
+ print diagnostic if packages were not moved to local repository (#794)
+ merge `--config` and `--pacman-conf` (#808, #824)
+ fallback to /etc/aurutils/pacman-<arch>.conf if --chroot is used without --database (#846)
+ add diagnostic if chroot pacman.conf is non-existing (#783)
* `aur-depends`
+ add `--no-depends`, `--no-makedepends`, `--no-checkdepends` (#826)
+ add dependency kind column to `--table` output
* `aur-chroot`
+ preserve `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` to support ssh-based operations (#832)
* `aur-repo`
+ retrieve database extension from `AUR_DBEXT` (defaults to .db) (#700)
+ add `--status`
- `repo:<NAME>\nroot:<PATH>\npath:<PATH/NAME.DBEXT>` output format
- replaces `--path`
+ rename `--repo-list` to `--list-repo`
+ rename `--path-list` to `--list-path`
* `aur-repo-filter`
+ run `pacsift` with `unbuffer` (#804)
* `aur-vercmp`
+ remove colon from `checkupdates` and `equal_or_newer` format (#833)
## 3.1.2 - 2020-11-09
This releases fixes a regression in 3.1.1 where `AUR_LIB_DIR` was not
subsituted in `aur`.
## 3.1.1 - 2020-11-09
* `aur`
+ add `--version`
## 3.1.0 - 2020-11-09
* `aur`
+ fix example `aur-remove` script (#785)
* `aur-build`
+ change default pacman-conf for chroot builds to /etc/aurutils/pacman-<dbname>.conf
+ clarify conditions on pacman-conf for chroot builds in `aur-build.1`
* `aur-chroot`
+ add `--create`
- seperate mode which runs `mkarchroot` with packages taken from the command-line
- defaults to base-devel (and multilib-devel, if applicable) if no packages are specified
- `--update` no longer runs `mkarchroot`
+ `--packagelist` now uses `makepkg.conf` inside the container
+ add `Devtools limitations` section to `aur-chroot.1` (#782)
+ add additional error messages for missing pacman configuration
* `aur-repo`
+ add `--path-list`
+ update man page for new arguments (#784)
+ remove `--ini` (only offered pacman.conf information)
## 3.0.3 - 2020-11-02
* fix broken `zsh` completion (#776)
* use `/tmp/aurutils-$UID` as default temporary directory (#775)
## 3.0.2 - 2020-10-30
* `aur-sync`
+ add missing `--suffix` option (#773)
## 3.0.1 - 2020-10-29
The commits:
+ aur-sync: use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for view directory (5341c059736d3eff59daea5cb52b7d35c98d0824)
+ aur-repo: simplify command line (57c1b2157806e645e7de85bf24e2c28b7d5f4458)
were part of the 3.0.0 release tarball, but not the 3.0.0 tag. The 3.0.1 tag now includes these commits.
## 3.0.0 - 2020-10-29
* `aur`
+ add `AUR_EXEC_PATH` environment variable
+ add example `aur-gc`, `aur-remove` scripts to `aur.1`
* `aur-build`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG`, `NO_COLOR`, `MAKEPKG` environment variables
+ add mollyguard for running as the `root` user
+ add `build:` prefix to `--results` output
- `build:file:///path/to/package.tar.xz`
+ add `--new`, `--prevent-downgrade` (`repo-add` options)
+ add `Running` message for all `makepkg` invocations
+ replace `--build-command` with `--margs` and `$MAKEPKG`
+ remove default `makepkg` arguments (#635)
- specify common `makepkg` options as `aur-build` arguments (`--syncdeps`, `--rmdeps`, `--ignorearch`, `--log`, `--noconfirm`)
- pass `--syncdeps`, `--rmdeps` to `--pkgver` makepkg command (#716)
- make `-r` an alias for `--rmdeps` (was: alias for `--root`)
- make `-S` an alias for `--sign` (was: `-s`)
+ use `--margs` to set makepkg options instead of EOF seperator (`--`)
+ `--makepkg-conf` now sets the makepkg configuration for host builds (avoid quoting issues with setting `--config` in `--margs`)
+ use `makepkg --noextract` if `--pkgver` is specified (#708)
+ use `print_all_package_names` (`/usr/share/makepkg/util/`) instead of `makepkg --packagelist` (#755)
+ pass pacman.conf (`--config`) to `aur-repo` (#654)
+ only remove intermediary package directory if empty (#602)
+ remove `--delta`
+ use `PKGDEST` instead of `makepkg.conf` to set package destination
* `aur-chroot`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG` environment variable
+ add `--packagelist`
- use `print_all_package_names` (`/usr/share/makepkg/util/`)
+ replace `--no-prepare` and `--no-build` (disable steps) with `--update` and `--build` (enable steps) respectively
+ remove `--database`
+ use static pacman configuration (defaults to `/usr/share/devtools/pacman-extra.conf`)
- `--suffix` to override `extra` in the default path
- if `--suffix` begins in `multilib`, install `multilib-devel` (instead of `base-devel`)
* `aur-fetch`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG`, `NO_COLOR` environment variables
+ add `--results` (colon-delimited output)
+ add `--sync`
- only run `git fetch` by default;
- run `git reset` if `--sync=reset` is specified;
- run `git rebase` if `--sync=rebase` is specified;
- run either `git reset` or `git rebase` if `--sync=auto` is specified
+ exit `1` if `git clone` or `git fetch` failed
+ remove support for `tar` archives
+ remove diff output (`--log-dir`, `--verbose`, `--format`)
- diffs can be generated from the extended --results output (done in `aur-sync`)
+ remove setting `orderfile` (done in `aur-sync`)
+ use `git -C` for `git` calls
* `aur-jobs` (removed)
- remove script
* `aur-pkglist`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG` environment variable
+ use `curl` for transfers instead of `wget`
* `aur-rpc` (`aur-query`)
+ rename to `aur-query`
+ set AUR RPC address with `AUR_QUERY_RPC` instead of a combination of `--rpc-url`, `--rpc-ver` and `AUR_LOCATION`
+ set number of packages for splitting URIs with `AUR_QUERY_RPC_SPLITINFO`
+ set `AUR_QUERY_RPC_SPLITNO` to set of number of packages for splitting URIs
+ use `curl` for transfers instead of `wget`
- enable parallel transfers (`curl --parallel`) with `AUR_QUERY_PARALLEL=1`
- set maximum amount of parallel transfers (`curl --parallel-max`) with `AUR_QUERY_PARALLEL_MAX`
+ exit `1` if a transfer failed
* `aur-repo-filter`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG` environment variable
+ add `--sysroot` (`pacsift --sysroot`, `pacinfo --sysroot`)
+ use `pacinfo` for package information instead of `expac`
* `aur-repo`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG` environment variable
+ add `--config`
+ add `--ini`
+ add `--quiet`/`-q` (`aur-vercmp -q`)
+ add `--table`
+ add pacman configuration to `--status-format` (colon-delimited)
+ print fully resolved path to local repository
+ require `--path` to print the local repository path
+ remove `expac` dependency
* `aur-search`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG`, `NO_COLOR` environment variables
+ unset `LC_ALL` when printing `Popularity`
* `aur-srcver`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG` environment variable
+ add `--jobs`
+ do not use `makepkg --log`
+ remove `parallel` dependency
* `aur-sync`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG`, `NO_COLOR`, `AUR_CONFIRM_PAGER` environment variables
- use confirmation prompt after package review if `AUR_CONFIRM_PAGER` is set
+ add `--rebuild-all`
+ add mollyguard for running as the `root` user
+ add default ignore file in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/aurutils/sync/ignore`
+ do not fallback to `PAGER` or `less` (`AUR_PAGER` must be set or `vifm` installed)
+ enable `--provides` by default
- disable with `--no-provides`
- specify repositories with `--provides-from` (comma-delimited)
+ remove additional `aur-build` arguments after EOF separator (`--`) (#678)
+ remove `parallel` dependency
+ remove `AURDEST_SNAPSHOT` environment variable
+ remove `--git`, `--tar`
+ rename `--print` to `--no-build`/`-o`
+ rename `--no-ver-shallow` to `--no-ver-argv`
+ store commits viewed by the user (#379, #711)
+ use `aur-fetch --sync=auto`
* `aur-vercmp`
+ add `AUR_DEBUG`, `NO_COLOR` environment variables
* `Makefile`
+ allow overriding `AUR_LIB_DIR` at build time
## 2.3.7
## 2.3.6
## 2.3.5
## 2.3.4
## 2.3.3
## 2.3.2
## 2.3.1 - 2019-02-21
* `aur-build`
+ add `--results`
* `aur-sync`
+ documentation updates (#350, #507)
+ ask for confirmation if `PAGER` is set (#530)
* `aur-repo-filter`
+ documentation updates (#438)
## 2.3.0 - 2019-02-18
* `aur-build`
+ add `--holdver` to makepkg with `--pkgver`
+ exit 2 if `db_path` is not found
* `aur-repo-filter`
+ support versioned packages (#404)
+ remove `--repo` alias to `--database`
* `aur-srcver`
+ remove `--noprepare` from default makepkg options
+ add `--noprepare` option (#523)
* `aur-sync`
+ wrap repo-add `-R` (#521)
+ add `--no-graph` (workaround for #516)
* `aur-vercmp`
+ add `-q`/`--quiet`
+ rename `--equal` to `--current`
* `completions`
+ group options by type (#520)
+ complete `aur-depends` options (#526)
## 2.2.1 - 2019-01-25
* `aur-build`
+ add `--holdver` to `makepkg` options if `--pkgver` is enabled
* `aur-repo`
+ do not include `repo:` in error messages
+ `--all` implies `--upgrades`
* `aur-sync`
+ `cd` before invoking `$PAGER` (#518)
* `aur-repo-filter`
+ if `stdin` is connected to a terminal, mention this on `stderr`
* `aur-rpc`
+ if `stdin` is connected to a terminal, mention this on `stderr`
* `aur-vercmp`
+ if `stdin` is connected to a terminal, mention this on `stderr`
## 2.2.0 - 2019-01-22
* `aur`
+ update `CacheDir` instructions in `aur(1)`
* `aur-build`
+ rename `--run-pkgver` to `--pkgver`, remove `LANG=C` from `makepkg -od`
+ remove `~` package backup on `--force` (#444)
+ propagate `--pacman-conf` to `pacman-conf` (local builds)
+ unset `PKGDEST` prior to running `makepkg` (#513)
+ remove `--rmdeps` from default options (#508)
* `aur-fetch`
+ expose AUR URL through `AUR_LOCATION` environment variable
* `aur-pkglist`
+ do not require `-P` for regex match
+ Expose AUR URL through `AUR_LOCATION` environment variable
* `aur-rpc`
+ add `--rpc-ver`, `--rpc-url`
+ Expose AUR URL through `AUR_LOCATION` environment variable
* `aur-search`
+ exit 1 on no results
+ exit 2 on AUR error (e.g. "too many results")
+ Expose AUR URL through `AUR_LOCATION` environment variable
* `aur-sync`
+ add `--pkgver` (`aur-build --pkgver`)
+ remove `--rmdeps` from default options (#508)
* `completion`
+ allow `zsh run-help` to display the correct man page (#506)
## 2.1.0 - 2019-01-16
* `aur-build`
+ `--build-command` now works correctly
+ add `--run-pkgver` to run `makepkg -od` before `makepkg --pkglist` (relevant to VCS packages)
* `aur-depends`
+ now takes input as arguments, instead from `stdin`
+ add `--table`, `--pkgbase`, `--pkgname` and `--pkgname-all` (defaults to `--pkgname`)
* `aur-search`
+ add `--raw` to display JSON output
* `aur-sync`
+ add `--ignore-file` (same as `aursync --ignore`)
+ check the (`.SRCINFO`) dependency graph before file inspection
* `aur-fetch-git` and `aur-fetch-snapshot` were removed and merged to `aur-fetch`
## 2.0.1 - 2019-01-11
* `aur-build`
+ do not export PKGDEST for non-chroot builds (#498)
+ add --build-command (#498)
+ man page updates (#217)
* `aur-sync`
+ add --keep-order for parallel aur-fetch
## 2.0.0 - 2019-01-10
* `aur` *(new)*
+ wrapper for the new `git(1)` based design
* `aur-build`
+ remove `repose` support, see
+ abort if updating a signed database without `-s` (#246)
+ add `AUR_REPO`, `AUR_DBROOT` environment variables (#302)
+ add `--makepkg-conf`, `--pacman-conf` (#242)
+ use `pacman-conf` instead of `pacconf`
* `aur-chroot` *(new)*
+ new tool containing the functionality of `aur-build -c`
+ support container builds without using a local repository
+ support multiple repositories
+ preserve `GNUPGHOME` (#427)
+ use `pacman-conf` instead of `pacconf`
* `aur-fetch`
+ use `HEAD@{upstream}` instead of `HEAD` for `git reset` (#349)
+ use `wget` instead of `aria2c` or `curl`
+ support diffs for `tar` snapshots (requires: `diffstat`)
* `aur-graph`
+ rewrite in awk (#361)
+ add support for virtual and versioned dependencies (#10)
* `aur-repo` *(new)*
+ manage local repositories
* `aur-rpc` *(new)*
+ send `GET` requests to `aurweb`
+ use `wget` instead of `aria2c` or `curl`
* `aur-search`
+ add `License`, `Keyword`, `Depends`, `MakeDepends` and `CheckDepends` fields
+ add `depends`, `makedepends` search (#432)
+ add popularity to `brief` output (#420)
+ colorize if `stdout` is a terminal (#473)
+ use intersection of results for multiple terms (#328)
+ use `aur-rpc` to query `aurweb`
* `aur-sync`
+ add `AUR_PAGER` environment variable (file review, #51)
+ add `--bind-rw` (#428)
+ add `--ignore-arch` (`makepkg -A`, #309)
+ add `--nover-shallow` (only check versions for depends, #374)
+ add `--provides` (virtual dependencies, #452)
+ add `--rebuild`, `--rebuildtree` aliases (#424)
+ rename `--repo` to `--database` (#353)
+ the `--ignore` option now takes a comma-separated list of packages
+ fetch sources in parallel
+ set the default value for `AURDEST` to `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/aurutils/sync`
* `aur-srcver` *(new)*
+ print latest revision of VCS packages
* `aur-vercmp-devel` *(new)*
+ compare latest revision of VCS packages to a local repository
* `officer` *(removed)*
+ removed in favor of `pacman --config`
* `completion`
+ add `bash` completion (requires: `bash-completion`)
+ add `zsh` completion in a later release (#458)
* Fixes for known issues in `1.5.3`.