2023-10-24 12:16:47 +02:00

28 lines
978 B

pkgbase = py3status-git
pkgdesc = An extensible i3status replacement/wrapper written in python (development version)
pkgver = 3.54.r3.gbbe43bce
pkgrel = 1
url =
arch = any
license = BSD
makedepends = git
makedepends = python-build
makedepends = python-installer
makedepends = python-wheel
makedepends = python-hatch
depends = python
optdepends = i3status: for i3status modules
optdepends = i3blocks: for i3blocks modules
optdepends = iw: for the wifi module
optdepends = python-mpris2: for the mpris module
optdepends = python-pyudev: for udev event monitoring
optdepends = python-pydbus: for modules that rely on D-Bus
optdepends = python-pytz: for the clock module
optdepends = python-tzlocal: for the clock module
optdepends = pacman-contrib: for the arch_updates module
provides = py3status
conflicts = py3status
source = git+
sha256sums = SKIP
pkgname = py3status-git