16 lines
488 B
16 lines
488 B
pkgbase = vim-live-latex-preview
pkgdesc = Vim plugin and helper scripts to provide a live-updating PDF preview of LaTeX documents with MuPDF
pkgver = 0.9
pkgrel = 1
url = https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=107164
arch = any
license = GPL
depends = texlive-core
depends = vim
depends = xdotool
depends = mupdf
source = http://the21stcenturymonads.net/misc/vim-live-latex-preview-0.9.tar.gz
md5sums = 3a1d506673ba6c5556d502c0c9d4cdb3
pkgname = vim-live-latex-preview