update versionning to alerque liking do not force ext-iconv to be present at build time (module provided by php pkg)
28 lines
794 B
28 lines
794 B
pkgbase = roundcubemail-git
pkgdesc = A PHP web-based mail client
pkgver = 1.5rc.r16.g2f643141b
pkgrel = 1
url = https://roundcube.net/
arch = any
license = GPL
makedepends = systemd
makedepends = composer
makedepends = php-gd
makedepends = git
makedepends = unzip
makedepends = java-runtime
makedepends = nodejs-less-plugin-clean-css
makedepends = uglify-js
makedepends = nodejs-csso-cli
depends = php
depends = php-gd
provides = roundcubemail
conflicts = roundcubemail
backup = etc/webapps/roundcubemail/.htaccess
backup = etc/webapps/roundcubemail/apache.conf
source = git+https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail.git
source = apache.conf
sha256sums = SKIP
sha256sums = c90981405527ebaf153a407af6b8178b41d078bd4472d63b837b3b4cd5ae36b0
pkgname = roundcubemail-git